Response and Comment Deletion Bug Fixed

Kansas City, Missouri
May 22, 2013 2:49pm CST
myLot allows users to delete any responses made underneath their posts or any comments made underneath their responses. Previously, this "appeared" to work, but then when the user refreshed the screen, the deleted response or comment reappeared. This bug has now been squashed! Thanks to @buenavida @PhredWreck and others for bringing this to our attention.
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3 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
24 May 13
I did not notice about this problem as I have not deleted any response since new mylot was introduced. Thanks for keeping us update.
3 people like this
@buenavida (9985)
• Sweden
22 May 13
Yeah - it was working.. just taking away some not so family friendly responses.. Used to get many of those before. Thank you for fixing the bugs..
2 people like this
• Tucson, Arizona
24 May 13
gald to hear that i just got started
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