I love posting Recipes

By Sky
@skysnap (20153)
May 26, 2013 3:54am CST
Though mylot is not the place where i should be posting recipes. but for some reason i like talking about recipes, food and other continental kitchen stuff. it may not be my passion but i kinda like what i am doing right now. e.g. writing about fried prawns recipe on bubblews what about you? what you like to write?
Speak Freely. Write Your World.
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2 responses
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
27 May 13
My eldest son enjoys so much the shrimps. I hope I´ll try this recipe soon. Blessings... dainy
2 people like this
@cmw4562 (239)
• United States
16 Aug 15
I love discussing recipes and sharing recipes with friends. Most of the recipes are really good ones. I love simple ingredients, ease of preparation when it comes to making recipes.
@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
26 Feb 16
I write anything comes to mind :)