The Wise Do Not Advise Unasked

Moradabad, India
July 5, 2013 9:33am CST
Give everyman your ear but few you voice,take each man's censure but reserve your judgement.Even the worse man can give you the best advice.If a man loves to give advice,it is sure sign that he himself wants it.Advice must be judged by results not by intentions. Ask a woman's advice,and whatever she advises,do the very reverse and you've sure to be wise.Write down the advice of him who loves you ,though you like it not at present.Whatever advice you give to others ,should be short.Never follow the advice of a man who hs been your enemy in the past.I can easily teach the things which I can not follow easily.There are so many people who are clever in ins tructing others but who follow themselves,they are a few.
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3 responses
@CuteMandy (162)
• China
7 Jul 13
Many men are tall to the talking, but short to the actions.
• Nairobi, Kenya
7 Jul 13
true indeed...but then be a judge of none
• Moradabad, India
8 Jul 13
Thanks a lot for your good response to my post.
• Erie, Pennsylvania
8 Jul 13
Live your life, make mistakes and do something too embarrassing to tell your kids about
• Moradabad, India
8 Jul 13
Thank you very much for responding to my post.
• Nairobi, Kenya
7 Jul 13
very wise words you have