Ahead of the U.S.? Chuan China's first stealth fighter using 3D printing technology

Chicago, Illinois
July 15, 2013 10:03pm CST
F -15, F -16, F -20, F -31 ...... In recent years, Chinese military technological advances, advanced fighter represented a variety of sophisticated weapons dense appearance, so dazzled the world. Recently, two of the country, the CPPCC National Committee, the chief architect of Sun Cong F -15 revealed the rapid development of Chinese military secrets - a world leader in 3D printing technology. This is the British "Economist" that "will promote the realization of the third industrial revolution" technology, has already caused the United States, European countries in the fierce fight, "war" from space has spread to organ transplantation, from F-35, F-22 and other advanced weapons "burn" into everyone's daily necessities, and now China actually came from behind to surprise does make the United States and Europe, some analysts said that China may have been in the J-20 and J -31 stealth fighter on the use of two kinds of Oversize material metal powder component laser increases, the volume may have exceeded the U.S. growth timber laser technology the highest level. At present, China already has more than 12 square meters using laser forming complex titanium components technology and ability to become the world's only master laser forming titanium large main bearing Aluminium Magnesium Alloy powder manufacturing and application of the country. From no technical reserves, technical specifications, Ferromanganese powder, start with a blank sheet of qualified personnel, F -15 to achieve this leap? SUN Cong said the F -15 project pioneered the use of digital collaboration design: three-dimensional digital design changed the design process, improve the efficiency of the trial; five maturity management, design and manufacturing organizations to break through barriers, which with 3D printing technology close relationship. He said, titanium and steel M100 3D printing technology has been applied to the new machine trial process, mainly the main load-bearing parts. Traditional CNC manufacturing are the "removal type", that is based on the raw materials, the use of cutting, grinding, Ferrochrome powder, fusion and other methods, to remove excess, to obtain parts, then assembly, welding or the like to form the final product, and 3D Print the subversion of the idea, without the original embryo and die, you can graph data directly from the computer, through an increase in material ways layers directly create objects of any shape, which not only shorten the product development cycle, simplify product manufacturing processes improve efficiency, reduce costs and big hit, it is called "increasing material manufacturing." Using 3D printing technology to produce fighters, China is not the first. In 1984, the United States developed the digital data from the print out 3D objects technology, and two years later developed the first commercial 3D printer. The reason is called "Printers" because it draws on the printer's inkjet technology, but ordinary printers spray a layer of toner on the paper to form a two-dimensional (2D) text or graphics, and 3D printing is able " playing the "three-dimensional to three-dimensional kind. With a flashlight for example, 3D printer via a computer three-dimensional scanning a flashlight to create three-dimensional design, three-dimensional prototype of this after a "slice", is divided into layers, and then the printer will be a layer of material in accordance with the design drawings by layer, "spray" up until the end to create a flashlight, but the 3D printer toner is not ejected, but the molten resin,sprayed welding alloy powder or ceramics and other materials. USAF suddenly attracted by this new technology, they believe that if this technique is used in weapons manufacturing, power generation would be amazing. In the aerospace industry has been widely used as a metal is titanium, its density is only half the steel, electrolytic manganese powder strength is far better than the vast majority, if by laser melting of titanium and one aircraft to spray layers will greatly U.S. warplanes improve manufacturing speed. To this end, in 1985, under the auspices of the Pentagon, the United States secretly began a titanium laser forming technology research, in 1992 the technology was made public. At present, China already has more than 12 square meters using laser forming complex titanium components technology and ability to become the world's only master laser forming titanium large main bearing components manufacturing and application of the country. In addressing the material deformation and defect control problems, the Chinese production of titanium structural components quickly became China's aviation forces a unique advantage, at present, China's advanced fighter on the proportion of titanium components already exceeds 20%.
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