Changes in mylot

@marguicha (218639)
August 10, 2013 10:50am CST
I have been sent several private messages here, stating that I´m a heiress of sorts. You know the kind of crap: send your email to... It´s a pity that spams can´t be filtered any longer. I would love to know what this site´s goal is now. I am completly at loss. Meanwhile, I earn a very nice amount of money at bubblews. Anyone interested on the link? Or in help to earn more?
3 responses
@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
10 Aug 13
If you go to the link below, you can change your messaging settings so only people you follow can send you messages. I have no idea why they chose to make the default that anyone can send messages to anyone else. They should have defaulted to more private settings.
An enormous discussion board, blogging community, questions and answers hub, social network and online hangout all wrapped up into one neat little package.
1 person likes this
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
10 Aug 13
Did it. And thanks. See you at Bubblews.
1 person likes this
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
10 Aug 13
@marguicha if I got a dollar for every time someone was going to give me their money online...
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
10 Aug 13
@Bluedoll I post online. It has nothing to do with anyone giving me money. I´m happy earning more than ever at Bubblews. It has made a difference in my vacation money.
@mike05 (156)
10 Aug 13
i'm not interested in bubblews much as they haven't paid me.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
10 Aug 13
They had their issues. I was never paid for one of my redemptions. I moved on. And I have been paid 10 times since May 2nd when mylot changed).
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Aug 13
@mike05 Maybe you did something against their rules. It happens when you start with a new work of any kind. I lost one redemption on June, but I don´t think they are not honest. After all, They have paid me way over $250 in 3 months.
@mike05 (156)
10 Aug 13
@marguicha they didn't pay me for my first redemption. i don't put effort into sites that aren't 100% honest. bubblews are not honest
• United States
7 Jul 14
I am already a member of bubblews so I don't need the link to join.My username at bubblews is ivyparkapartmentsgirl please connect with me on bubblews.