war of the roses

August 10, 2013 3:23pm CST
lately my partner and I are having big fight over his job which is totally absurd.i kinda hate his boss's attitude and i'm asking him to find a new job but he is not willing to give in to my request,or rather suggestion. this really drives me nuts and so as well the beginning of our daily arguments.sometimes its just not the financial aspects on the sides of having to work but i think thinking of a healthy environment to work in and having the right boss is beneficial.
4 responses
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 13
I think a lot of it depends on how you are approaching the discussion. If you're just demanding that he look for a job, it may come across like ordering him around. Do you know why he is so reluctant to go looking? Is is that he doesn't go outside of his comfort zone too well, or are there good things about the job even though the boss is a pain, or perhaps there aren't a lot of other jobs in that line? At any rate, it is his decision to make, and after you talk it over with him, and listen to his side of it, if he doesn't want to change jobs, all your pushing and arguing is going to do is make him upset at you. On the other hand, if he is constantly coming home and complaining about his boss, but then doesn't want to do anything about it, well he just wants to vent. And it's up to you whether you want to let him vent, and not tell him what to do about it, or you want to tell him that since he's not interested in your opinion about it, not to vent to you about it any m ore.
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@mike05 (156)
10 Aug 13
i thought this discussion was actually going to be about the war of the roses.....one of my favourite parts of english history.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Aug 13
or the movie...
• Aberdeen, Scotland
11 Aug 13
speaking of roses roses are red violets are grey i think mylot is better without any pay
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@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
13 Aug 13
Hello Empiretower! I think we women would like to advice our partners all the time when we hear them complaintning about. But sometimes they are just thoughts and they are looking to be heard. Don´t worry too much darling. He´ll know when his limits are reached. Just hear him and ignore a little bit all those complaints. Blessings... dainy
• Aberdeen, Scotland
11 Aug 13
he has to work with his boss - not you if he did not like his working environment he would change his job - wouldnt he you do not say one single thing about what he says about his job it is always difficult to reply to such posts i would also offer this in the current difficult economic climate and uncertainty in job markets all around the world the old and over used cliche of " better the devil you know " might just be worth your consideration in this case