Sell Yourself

United States
September 28, 2013 6:13am CST
There are many opportunities worldwide to do almost anything a person wants to do. To me, it is not easy to focus on the job I really would like to do. Many factors influence each individual's circumstances. Location is usually one of the tough problems to try to overcome for many of us. I believe that whether you are waiting tables, working online, or even customer service, that unless you have people coming to you not only for what you can do for them, but also for who you are as a individual, it makes for a less desirable situation for all that are involved. As we continue to progress with technology, there are quite a few situations where you may not see your employer in person. Let's say this is less likely, but possible more now than ever. When the person that hires you looks at paper to see who you are, they can only go by what it says, and previous employers. Once you are able to establish a professional rapport with them, it goes much deeper than the paper that they look at when the person made the decision to interview you. Have faith in what you are doing, even if it is not the ideal work you are doing. Most of all, have confidence in yourself. Know you are doing good, and earning your pay. This confidence will help new doors of opportunity to open up Thank you for reading, Johnny G.
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2 responses
• United States
28 Sep 13
Luckily, where i work my direct bosses/supervisors actually treat their employees like humans and not just working drones. Though i will say when we get direction/work orders from THEIR higher ups, it feels totally disconnected as they don't even know who we are, and i don't like that. Mostly as since these "higher ups" haven't stepped foot on an actual sales floor, or interacted with an actual customer in years, it can often times seem like they are asking us to do the impossible when they keep adding on more and more things to the list oftasks they want done.
• United States
28 Sep 13
Yes, there are many employers that allow the closed door policy. They say it's not that way, but you can't ever actually see them. Years ago we had these monthly meetings to let the employees see the "numbers" that were always in the red. This helped them explain to us why they "couldn't" match figures for our 401K. Thank you fruitcakeliz!
• Moradabad, India
28 Sep 13
Nobody can purchase you until you are ready to sell yourself. Thanks