What is up with these IPhone 4's?

Englewood, Florida
October 7, 2013 4:11pm CST
So, I got a new phone, an IPhone 4,so I decided to get the IOS 7, the software update. My battery runs low faster, and its much harder to use. I usually think, " What if we got lost, or something happened, and it died. That would be a bummer." And the IOS 6 was great! No problem! I think they do this on purpose just to make us more dependant on the the next one, going, " Yes, we NEED an update!" And in my opinion, - no offense, seriously- how can you disagree with that? Thx! follow me!
1 response
• United States
7 Oct 13
i would think because of the hardware. Like the 360 at first it had overheating problems so after a few changes the next version didn't have that exact issue.