Is GTA a problem?

Greenville, South Carolina
October 13, 2013 3:20pm CST
On august 25 an 8 year old took a gun and shot his grandmother in the head in a trailer park. The police say a motive is unknown but they are blaming GTA IV as he was playing it before the crime is committed. They describe GTA as a game that promotes violence and gives you points for killing people. I am tired of hearing that you get points for killing people cause you don't. Now as a gamer I'm tired of the media blaming video games when the problem is the parents for not teaching their kids right and wrong and that it's just a game. Unless your crazy your not gonna pick up COD, play it, then go outside and kill a bunch of people. It seems that the media and police is not focusing the fact that an 8 year old had knowledge of where a gun is, have easy access to it, and know how to load it, use it, and turn the safety off and on. I find that the real problem to video game violence is the lack of good parenting in the USA. It's a parents job to teach their kids right and wrong, and to hide a gun from a little kid. The parents should have taught him right and wrong and that killing people is wrong before sending him off to live with his grandma and let him play GTA. If you agree let me know so I know I'm not alone. Also I'm sorry if this doesn't make alot of sense it's my first article.
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