Our food....

Englewood, Florida
October 15, 2013 4:25pm CST
So,I'm going through the store,and I'm really hungry. I see something I might get, I read the label, and the first thing you will PROBABLY read: Wheat,soy, GMO, sugar,high frutose corn syrup,and many dyes. The worst dyes of all happen to be: red 40, yellow 9, and similar ingredients/ dyes/ sugar. You might REALLY want to watch out for it. Many people are dying and getting very sick due to these chemicals.GMO creates tumor upon tumor upon tumor on liver and kidneys. They die in excruciating pain. Firsthand knowledge. Other countries won't accept it. Why would they? And why should we? Regular liver tests are not recognizing the tumors. Major world protests are going on because of GMO. Thx ppl/mylotters for all the support!!
1 response
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
29 Dec 13
It's either sad or pathetic or ... one o` those "emotion"-thingies. God gave us bodies that can do amazing stuff, shouldn't that include 'breaking-down food to an atomic level & reconstructing the proteins & nutrients we need and disposing of the waste?'