The thing has come on here .

Changchun, China
November 10, 2013 10:55pm CST
So long time, Rockwell has given me his invitation letter in the end. The heart of fulling of hope has become a heart of fulling of worry. Yeah, I know to be myself is the only way, but I can't stop worrying.
2 responses
• Hangzhou, China
11 Nov 13
congratulations to you, i guess youhave longed for this offering for a long time so what's your worries
• Changchun, China
11 Nov 13
Yeah! I have waitted it since three month ago, but it is the invitation of final interview. The interview is so cruelty that I have a stone on my heart .
• Changchun, China
12 Nov 13
Sure , the invition is my drem no matter how hard is it I will try my best do it. We should do everything follwing our heart and insist it, I believe It is right that complete the own drem.
• Moradabad, India
11 Nov 13
We invite the trouble if we expect anything from anyone. Thanks.
• Moradabad, India
11 Nov 13
@lightest Thank you very much for the comment.
• Changchun, China
11 Nov 13
Tank you for your idea.