
Manila, Philippines
November 26, 2013 1:26am CST
God is magnificent Designer as He Himself designed the universe, people, animals and numerous of things. He is an Architect of our living bodies; a Consultant that creates our guidelines to live, and the Supreme Justice that decides and/or designates our souls fate as our bodies get retired. Indeed, the Creator that no one can put Him down, ruin and trespass. He would always be the Ruler of the world, kingdoms, countries & cities, yet our Amazing Lawmaker that encompasses our sinful living ways and means rather than to punish ourselves while we are still walking through the earth's surface. He is truly a Gigantic God that we should look up to, pray and ask our personal intentions. He is a Great Listener and whoever believes in Him should not perish but would have everlasting life. Thank you God for all the blessings that keep coming into my life.
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3 responses
• Moradabad, India
26 Nov 13
God can not be seen by our human eyes but He is present inside and outside our bodies. He has the power to design the whole universe and every creature and He has the power to destroy it. The most surpring thing is this that any two designs made by him are not the same they are different in habit and actions. God is beyond our comprehension and all our praises are just to show a lamp to the sun. It is our duty to love His nature and not to ruin it. Thanks.
• Manila, Philippines
27 Nov 13
Truly He is invisible but existing in four corners of the earth and whole universe as well. We cannot deny the fact that all the crimes that happening in the world are just evidences that God is giving us tests to pursue that living has to be realized with the good and bad aspects; otherwise, without these things people cannot understand how to become adorable and a real sons & daughters of God in this earth's surface. Trials in our lives are also tantamount to fascinate the love, care and guidance of God, no matter how hard these would be, we are just assuming these as challenges that we are bounded to face and hit ourselves with effective solutions for us to adopt peaceful living at the end of the day.
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• Moradabad, India
27 Nov 13
@boboypete God is omnipresent He is self sufficient He does not need anything God is self contented. But man is discontented. Contentment is the name of happiness. Woldly things can give us pleasure but that pleasure is momentary . In the devotion of God,we get immortal pleasure and contentment. The permanent peace can be had by the devotion and grace of GOD only. Thanks a lot for a great comment.
• Xiamen, China
26 Nov 13
I love God.
• Manila, Philippines
27 Nov 13
Nobody will prosper and get succeed in life without inspirational ways and means of living through the excellent guidance and love of God. Regardless of religions in the world, people into these religions believe Him, so we need to adore Him and do prayers in most of the times so as to be blessed too.
@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
26 Nov 13
A good thing to think about. God is indeed loving.
• Manila, Philippines
27 Nov 13
Definitely, and the fact that He is truly an inspiration for us to live, yet we all know that he loves us so much - and that is unconditional love that we perfectly receive from Him.
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