Some Facts About Cardboard Recycling

Shanghai, China
December 11, 2013 12:54am CST
Problems like global warming and depleting natural resources has woken up the world to adopt the process called recycling. Recycling products in day-to-day life not only helps in dealing with waste products but also plays a key role in preserving natural resources. Due to these reasons, consumers around the world are motivated to recycle used products to the extent possible. Apart from plastic, paper, and other household products, consumers can recycle cardboard as well. Greenmax On an average, a family uses 650 pounds of paper and cardboard in a year. If the paper & cardboard is recycled instead of throwing it away, each family can contribute largely towards saving the environment. To make people more aware of cardboard recycling Melbourne, here are listed a few facts about the same. polystyrene compactor Fact #1 Cardboards are of Different Types The two common types of cardboards used by consumers are: 1. Corrugated Box 2. Paper Cardboard eps compactor In the first type of cardboard, two strong sheets are there having corrugated fiber paper in between. Corrugated boxes are extremely sturdy and primarily used for shipping purposes. The second type of box, i.e., paper cardboard is made of some glossy material due to its application in packaging gifts and beverage cartons. Apparently both the types of boxes are similar but corrugated cardboards are easier to recycle. This is why some recycling companies only offer corrugated cardboard collection Melbourne services. Fact #2 Wet Cardboards cannot be Recycled If you think the cardboard recycling company will collect all types of cardboards then you might be wrong. If the cardboard has got wet due to one reason or the other, the company will not take it for recycling. Fact #3 Flatten Your Cardboard Boxes Don't just throw the boxes randomly to be picked by the recycling company. Always flatten the cardboard boxes before leaving them outside to be picked. Also, ensure that the boxes are not contaminated as it hampers the recycling process. Fact #4 Recycling Cardboard Helps in Saving Nature According to industry reports, recycling one ton of cardboard saves approximately 9 cubic yards of space in a landfill. Also, it has been reported that 46 gallons of oil can be saved by recycling one ton of cardboard of any type. To put it all together, recycling paper and cardboard is a great way to preserve nature. If you have not been taking paper recycling seriously, give it a try by hiring recycling companies in Melbourne. These companies take care of all your needs starting from collection, sorting, pulping and creating recycled products.">Greenmax</a>
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