
Phoenix, Arizona
December 13, 2013 10:06pm CST
Ok so I have a really good guy friend and... He is my ex boyfriends bestfriend... But now me and him r better friends than they r... So we became really close even when me and his friend were together and we started to hang out a lot and it turned into a bit of a flirtationship and I'm pretty sure he liked me... But now he's starting to be kind of distant... And this was after he casually brought up in conversation that I friend zoned him and he completely dropped the subject after that and I didn't want to make things awkward so I didn't bring it up again, but I started to like him and then that happened... And he also at another time told me after I asked him why he was being a little different he said well when u called me your bestfriend... I started treating u like a bestfriend instead of a friend... So I think I just friend zoned myself :/ what do I do?
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