How to Deal with Wrongful Death Claims?

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
May 23, 2014 4:04am CST
When someone ends up dying due to the actions of another person or an organization, such as the manufacturer of a car, those who survive may be able to claim wrongful death. The claim of wrongful death is usually brought up by relatives of the deceased and generally seeks compensation over lost wages, funeral costs, and even the loss of companionship with the help of an attorney, such as Johnson and Biscone. Each state in this country has a law regarding wrongful death. Claims of wrongful death include serious accidents involving car accidents or even medical malpractice. Acting in a negligent manner can cause a person, a company, or even governmental agency to be at fault for acting in a negligent manner. Wrongful death claims must be filed by a lawyer on behalf of the survivors who suffer from grief and damage due to the deceased’s passing. The lawyer filing is typically the executor of the deceased’s estate including but not limited to: immediate family members, life partners, financial dependents, or anyone who suffers financially due to the death. In several states, the death of a fetus can be the purpose behind a wrongful death claim. It is important that those filing check state laws, consulting only with wrongful death lawyers that are experienced. Lawsuits for wrongful death can be brought against a variation of people. For example if someone dies due to a car accident caused by a drunk driver, defendants may include: the driver of the automobile that was at fault, the designer of the roadway, or even the person who sold the alcohol to the person impaired. Other reasons that may justify a wrongful death claim include occupational exposure to a hazardous substance or unsafe conditions and death during an activity that is supervised. Hiring a wrongful death lawyer will assist the family in this grief-stricken time so that reasonable reimbursement is given to the family. Attorneys will assist their clients in understanding the details in their claim. This will give clients the much-needed time to focus and heal. A full compensation reward should include funeral expenses, any medical expenses, lawyer feed and court cost, as well as recompense for grief.
Oklahoma Attorneys Striving to Get You the Money You Deserve. At Johnson & Biscone, P.A., our goal is simple: We strive to get our clients the compensation they deserve.
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