What do you think of Chinese education?

Luoyang, China
June 8, 2014 5:38am CST
1/The high-school exam is over.Lots of high-school students may pass the exam and find a good job.But so many students wont get a good result,maybe they wont realize their dreams.In fact,lots of chinese parents think the result is the most important thing in their kids' life.Especially the students like me(12years old-16years old).When our parents chat with other people,the first topic is"What was your kid's grade in the exam"or"What did the teachers say about your kid"And lots of parents argue with their kids because of the grades,even beating them. 2/In any other developing country,ther also have many problems about the education.Chinese parents find any way to make their kids study well,but most of them didn't success.No one likes staying at home to study all year round.That's why Chinese education is not successful in the world. 3/As students,we dont have enough places for sports.Many places are used to build buildings.In our city,we dont have any football playground!And the places for bastetball are too small.The Chinese students like sports,but always dont have enough places for sports! I'm sorry the article has lots of language mistakes.I am not good at english.
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