Insurance Companies and Insurance Fraud

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 27, 2014 1:09am CST
The basic concept of insurance fraud is when a person uses intentional deceptive strategy in order to receive benefits they are not entitled. Clever schemes that have been used to scam insurance companies would eat up more than one 8X10 computer page and include: home burglary about stolen items, medical services that were not provided, collecting workers' compensation while still employed or working at another job. Yes folks, insurance fraud is "big business" to the tune of about $100 billion (that's a B) on an annual basis - Ouch! Many people feel that insurance fraud is a "victim-less" crime since nobody gets hurt. The insurance companies and all of you reading this article, including the author, are victims. That said, car insurance pretty much leads the Oklahoma insurance fraud league since it is thought to be the easiest way to "steal" money without getting caught. It's easy to lie to an insurance company via: ** Wrong garaging address and parking on the street ** Intentionally not listing actual drivers ** Vehicle mileage lies as well as the vehicle being used for business Forging insurance documents can have the perpetrator spending time in jail so any person considering taking this criminal path should give it a second thought. Especially if you're thinking about joining a "criminal ring" in town that can include "body shops" or using unethical doctors to file medical claims. Insurance fraud occurs every day and insurance crooks are picking your pocket and putting the money in their pockets. Unquestionably people of all races, incomes and ages are victimized. And hard-working consumers and businesses will eventually pay the price while ruining lives, careers and families in the process. Here are several ways insurance fraud claims can ruin your life: #A - Trusting men, women and business owners are bilked out of thousands of dollars by insurance investment schemes; especially older generations who often are easy targets. #2 - Peoples lives and health are endangered by scammers selling non-existent health policies or doctors performing quick "quack" medical care to illegally inflate health claims. #3 - Staged auto accidents kill or maim drivers including children just for the sake of life insurance money. #4 - People lose jobs when insurance companies being bankrupt after being flooded by insurance fraud thieves. To avoid total ruin in Oklahoma especially, contact the insurance fraud attorneys in Oklahoma City, Johnson & Biscone -
Oklahoma Attorneys Striving to Get You the Money You Deserve. At Johnson & Biscone, P.A., our goal is simple: We strive to get our clients the compensation they deserve.
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