Eat More to Lose More!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
September 15, 2014 8:54am CST
This is a nutritional fact that many people fail to realize amongst their desperate insane diets. Losing weight is not about cutting back on food. Yes, it requires people to cut back on bad foods, but certainly not to starve themselves. For example, if you just had lunch an hour ago but you're hungry again; grab a bag of nuts or grapes instead of a candy bar. If you are having trouble with consuming too much food at each meal, drink a glass of water right before you eat. This will fill you up some and ensure you won't over eat. Eating right doesn't mean having food that doesn't taste good. Many things are better with a slight change, such as switching your white sugar for raw sugar or buying brown rice instead of white rice. It you are not one to sit and eat bunches of strawberries, throw them in the blender with some milk and maybe a little honey or raw sugar. Another huge issue that causes people to have a low metabolism is to skip breakfast. Eating breakfast is a great way to speed up your metabolism and give you a boost of energy in the morning. Food provides energy for your body and brain to function fully. Eating less food to weigh less may seem to make sense, but as far as nutrition goes and how our bodies work; eating more benefits every part of our bodies including losing extra weight. If you aren't sure about this information, look for a book on nutrition and discover the truth for yourself.
1 response
@STawhidi (84)
• Tehran, Iran
1 Apr 16
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