Inflatable Iceberg

Orange, California
February 4, 2015 7:38am CST
In recent years, indoor rock climbing has been accepted and loved, but more people prefer do it outdoor. Unfortunately, outdoor rock climbing requires some training, not everyone can enjoy and have fun. As a personalized company,our newly developed Inflatable Icebergs that allows everyone to enjoy a fun new outdoor inflatable climbing equipment. Inflatable Icebergs has a climbing wall front and a slides in the back side. People through their own efforts to climb the top and then slide 8 feet into the water. This cool inflatable icebergs not only attract the attention of children, but also made adults fall in love.
With a good mixture of wet fun and staying healthy, a water trampoline provides unsurpassed fun for any family that is looking to spend their next household outing at the lake or ocean. This great toy offers the excitement of jumping over water and into th
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