Kids are taught to be scared to see a policeman.

@Danzylop (1120)
August 21, 2015 6:43pm CST
When I was a child, I often hear mothers tell their kids to behave or else they will call a policeman to arrest them. Policemen need to mingle with the community but this mis-education or habitual inculcation of bad impression to the kids create fear among the community as the kids grow up. Even now that I am already a police officer, whenever I come to pass along the street, parents would do the same thing and honestly made me annoyed because our reputation are being push down while we are trying as hard as we can to rebuild it and make a good impression to the society. Would you think it is fair for us to become scare crows?
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4 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
23 Aug 15
Hmm , i think i have never heard that kind of "scare" done to kids Usually , it is the ghosts .
• Tiberias, Israel
22 Aug 15
i agree with you
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
22 Aug 15
it too happened to me in my childhood days .
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
22 Aug 15
my mother once scared of policemen as well. that is why a thought of fear when i saw a policeman when i went to the city. Im scared that they will arrest me and put in jail