How do you get rid of insecurities?

@joygracia (1325)
September 13, 2015 6:27am CST
I've been through 3 painful break ups in the past these kind of cut some part of me. I've had insecurities since then. I'm not comfortable with peers sometimes thinking I'm too low status or something. It makes me depress. As much as I wanted to avoid such thoughts its keeps hitting me back like a punching bag or somethings. Any suggestions what I will do to lessen if not eliminate this thoughts?
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2 responses
@ZHVegas (248)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
13 Sep 15
Insecurities are like fears, they are hard to pass through... But you need to try, even if they hit you, hit then back. Keep going, keep trying as much as it may hurt, world is full of surprises, maybe you are the next person he is gonna surprise! Keep it up! That's at least the way I try to face my insecurities and problems.
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@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
13 Sep 15
@ZHVegas.. I really like your attitude. Thank you so much!... I appreciate your time giving me some words to ponder. Likewise! I wish you all the best.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
13 Sep 15
Don't think lowly of yourself , just because you had 3 breakups . Maybe the right man hasn't come yet . Just keep praying and you will meet him one of these days . Meantime , be with happy and supportive friends who can help your confidence to be uplifted .
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@joygracia (1325)
• Philippines
13 Sep 15
Thank you. Really appreciate your response. I know I shouldn't think low of myself but it just engulf me some point in time. But like you said, I shouldn't make it a deal. I do go out with my friends most of the time but when I'm alone, its just keeps coming back. I just hope It will be easier done than said.