touchy subject.... racism

Rockford, Minnesota
October 13, 2015 1:22pm CST
Do you believe that only white people can be racist? Many do. Many say other races can only be prejudice but not racist
2 responses
@topffer (42156)
• France
13 Oct 15
We are all homosapiens with 2 arms, 2 legs and the same brain : racism is not limited to those having a white skin only, and you will find some in any race.
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• United States
13 Oct 15
We do not all have the same brain, although if we did that would certainly explain some people's actions as apparently it was not their turn to use the brain that day.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
13 Oct 15
@purplealabaster It is well known : we use only 10% of our brain... more or less.
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• United States
13 Oct 15
Why the heck can't any race be racist? That is completely ridiculous. Any person can be racist, although I would hope that they would not be.
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• Rockford, Minnesota
13 Oct 15
they say because white people have not been oppressed and racism doesn't effect them the same way
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@topffer (42156)
• France
13 Oct 15
As a purple petunia, you should tell that only white petunias are racist.
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• United States
13 Oct 15
@LattesAndTypewriters Racism is the feeling that one race is better than another. It has nothing to do with being oppressed but rather the feeling of entitlement. People may say that Caucasian people feel entitled, and I am sure that there are some that do. Brown skinned people or American Indian people or any other race of people can also feel entitled. Caucasian people do not hold a monopoly on this feeling.
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