Lets welcome the old bubblers - but watch out for the spammers.

@destry (2572)
Kirkwall, Scotland
November 16, 2015 2:37am CST
Well well well, I am really not surprised that Bubblews has closed down or rather, been shut down by the receivers. This is the time that I presume that we will be welcoming many new writers from that platform who have not found mylot yet, but we also need to be extra vigilant for the plagiarists and spammers that stomped around that bubble! Lets all try to help the admins and keep a community eye on suspect posts and report any dodgy posts.
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14 responses
@yalul070 (1713)
• Manila, Philippines
16 Nov 15
Right! Let's shoot down the spammers even before they can cause troubles here.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
16 Nov 15
hmm! I won't be shot, because I am never a spammer. hahhaahaaa!
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@yalul070 (1713)
• Manila, Philippines
16 Nov 15
@ridingbet welcome aboard ingrid
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@BellaDoc (762)
• San Diego, California
16 Nov 15
Thanks for the welcome. I need to put my pic up and then hopefully people will recall who I am. best wishes
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@destry (2572)
• Kirkwall, Scotland
16 Nov 15
A pic is pretty essential, you'll find that you will get more interactions if people recognise you.
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@Jackalyn (7559)
• Oxford, England
16 Nov 15
I think you are right. Did you say the receivers came in? Oh well, that probably answers our question about where our money went and whether people will get their writing back. They won't be able to do anything.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
16 Nov 15
Ready to report any spammers!
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
16 Nov 15
Thats a good sprit.I found you pretty active in pointing out spammers.
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@Missmwngi (12926)
• Nairobi, Kenya
16 Nov 15
I agree with you otherwise we will go down and it will be all our fault
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@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 15
Bubblews attracted spammers because the pay was very high. MyLot's payment program is reasonable and sustainable and slow too which I don't think would attract spammers. But we never know. So yes, we must be vigilant for these stupid spammers.
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 15
@destry Really? I haven't been to that site for so long since I left middle of last year. Perhaps they didn't know about the reduction in payment rates or they just want to reach as many people as they can. Bubblews did have many members.
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@moondebi (1199)
• Bangalore, India
17 Nov 15
Here spammers will be less, as this is not a high paying site as Bubblews.
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@softbabe44 (5816)
• Vancouver, Washington
17 Nov 15
Ready to get that job going.
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Nov 15
Well, you sound like you were not a bubbler. I hope Mylot will not disappoint us, too. I'm loving it here.
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@bookbar (1609)
• Sudbury, England
16 Nov 15
@Destry.. just mentioned the same in one of my posts, comments....spammers and their mucky mates will be all over this and other sites, as another of their fave. sites has taken a dive, whether they earned or not... so we all need to be vigilant in picking them off and blocking, their cancerous ways... good luck
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@meowanji (193)
• Philippines
16 Nov 15
I hope my bubblews friends will come here too. I miss interacting with them yay! The more users (except spammers) the better!
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@Lucky15 (37346)
• Philippines
16 Nov 15
thank you for welcoming me, i am still trying to look for more "connections" here :D
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
16 Nov 15
Have they had problems with spammers here?
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