Year end general tiring!!!

@whengcat (1457)
December 29, 2015 1:10am CST
I just had a very tiring day, conducted general cleaning of our work area, from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm. Sorting there, wiping here, dust all over your face Very fortunate though coz I have with me my fellow co-employees that are very cooperative. Teamwork is really the key to success, the end result.... Sparkling clean work area ready for the year 2016!
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3 responses
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 15
I thought you are cleaning at your home. I remember when I was working in my previous company, it was so fun to clean together with the colleagues. It's like a fun working day for us. Happy year 2016!!
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
3 Jan 16
And to think I was not able to do general cleaning of my own house.....
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
29 Dec 15
Doesn't your company have a cleaning team for that?
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
3 Jan 16
Yeah, we don't have because our company is implementing that system....we employees are the ones implementing 5's in the work area.
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
29 Dec 15
It helps when your co workers work together to clean.
@whengcat (1457)
• Philippines
3 Jan 16
And it gets the job to finish at an early period of time