Have you ever use an autoresponder to build up your list and how was your result from it ?

autoresponder, list building, targeted traffic, website, email
Hong Kong
January 11, 2016 3:59am CST
I have never used an autoresponder with success. I have use those free one such as Get Response or Mailchimp but the result wasn't good at all. I know that most reliable one would be those pay autoresponder such as Aweber or icontact but i have never use them before. However, I think whatever company you will use with, you must have targeted traffic for your website. If not, you can never build up any list . Someone is using Facebook to build up their list but I don't even know how to create a group and invite people who I don't knoe at all to join my group in FB. If you have anything to say about autoresponder or invite fans to your FB created group, please share with me ?
1 response
@Drosophila (16573)
• Ireland
11 Jan 16
In order to share my experience, I'd need to know why would you use autoresponder? It's probably the most effective way to get rid of your followers in some aspects.