Reviews The Shade of Vampires

By C
@ShyBear88 (59308)
Sterling, Virginia
March 15, 2016 10:23pm CST
Last week I was reading a book on mu phone. I started it Friday and finished it by Saturday afternoon. It was a quick read because it was less them 300 pages. It normally takes me longer to read books depending on the level of the book and how many pages. This is easily a high school level book. It was a good books about a girl falling for a vampaire. It's nothing like Twilight no sparking shine vampires. I think it might be better then Twilight. The girl is toner stronger has more a personality that you can easily go with. I already started the 2 book which is a bit longer. But each chapter is written in that characters point of views the first book you read three characters point of views. Mostly in the girls point of views. Her name is Sofia and she likes Derek. Sofia is 17 and has had a rough life with parents that are not in her life.
2 responses
• Indianapolis, Indiana
16 Mar 16
I think most vampire books are better than Twilight.. XD (No offense to the author of course, but really - sparkling vampires?!)
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• Indianapolis, Indiana
17 Mar 16
@ShyBear88 Agreed!
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
17 Mar 16
@Sei_Ryoku I'm working on writing a book so that whole thing of va,piers burn in the sun doesn't exist. But they are pretty much immortal.
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• Indianapolis, Indiana
17 Mar 16
@ShyBear88 Woah - I like that premise. Good luck in writing it!
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
16 Mar 16
im not into vampires but ive seen twilight. now if you're saying its better than that movie, well thats interesting.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
17 Mar 16
@ShyBear88 thats great that it interest you. happy reading.
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
17 Mar 16
@MGjhaud I guess I'll be taking long bathroom breaks so I can read the book
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
17 Mar 16
I think the twilight books are better then the movie and I think this new book is better then probably the book abs the movies of twilight. The Shade of vampire goes in a different direction.