Why do people care what other people do?

United States
March 16, 2016 1:14pm CST
Every single day you can flip the channels and you will see some crazy story about something someone else did that's just unimportant/. For example, why do people care if Kim Kardashian posts another nude photo of herself? Why for 3 days straight did we have to hear about how she posted this photo and other celebrities were commenting about it good and bad? It just makes no sense to me why anyone cares? It's like people don't realize that celebrities are just humans too and therefore they do human things so why do people care so much when they are BEING HUMAN? Just my thought for today. Any thoughts?
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4 responses
17 Mar 16
There can be many reasons as to why some people follow celebrities. In some cases it's about feeling superior. people that watches shows like Jersey shore or paradise hotel are generally not that intelligent, so they watch these reality shows that features dumb people to feel superior. In the case where someone idolizes a celebrity it's different though, then it's all about identification. When you see someone succesful that you identify with, or even see yourself in, you automatically like that person. One could also flip the question and ask. Why do you care that other people follow celebrities?
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• United States
26 Mar 16
@genericJohn, it's not the following celebrities that I care about. I myself follow a few. It's that some people care about the stupid stuff way too much. They focus on one thing for far too long is all.It's about why people care so much about the human things they do instead of focusing on their talents or the good things they do. It's hard to explain I guess but like I said, it's not about the following of them just the focusing so much on the human aspect.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Mar 16
Washed up celebrities like Bette Midler care because they use the Kardashians as a means of receiving attention. In fact getting attention is why people do the things they do.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
16 Mar 16
I don't like news like that cause it's really shallow. Plus I don't have time for that anymore.
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• United States
29 Mar 16
I think it is interesting to people so they have something to talk about in their mundane lives. They worship these celebs is why.