So... American dad or family guy?

March 19, 2016 7:04am CST
I love asking this. As everyone is so different. Personally I'm a die hard American dad fan as I love every member of the family. There all so interesting and fun! I love family guy too, but I am only interested in a couple of characters the rest I Kinda don't care for lol Stevie, Brian, Peter, and quagmire are probably the best things bout the show.
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5 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
19 Mar 16
Sorry, this doesn't make sense to me. Are you talking about your family or a TV series? Please keep in mind that this is an international site and people in other parts of the world don't always know what is self-evident for you.
1 person likes this
• Canada
19 Mar 16
Ahh sorry about that! I'm still new on here and forgotten bout that! I thought the tags would give it away And definitly the tv series haha, check it out if you haven't there both pretty great.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
19 Mar 16
@wonderbunny I don't want to check things out which belong in a post. Btw, I don't see any tags.
• Canada
19 Mar 16
@MALUSE haha well you don't have to, only suggesting that's all one can really do :) Weird :/ maybe I'm not doing the tags right. I'm still getting used to this site
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
19 Mar 16
Family Guy. There's something about American Dad that I really can't get into. I would take King of the Hill and Simpsons over American Dad.
1 person likes this
• Canada
19 Mar 16
Yep I get many responses like that irk, Haven't seen king of the hill xD But I love Simpsons!!
• Canada
20 Mar 16
@lexiconlover Canadian :$ but I watch a lot of my shows on sites so I'll be sure to check it out! :)
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
19 Mar 16
I never got to watch either of these shows. When they were new I used to watch the Simpsons but I guess they are not the same eh?
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
19 Mar 16
@wonderbunny Well I guess they all have the same idea in a way in that they use family characters. I had to look up futurama to see what it was. That looks amazing.
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• Canada
20 Mar 16
@Bluedoll yes! The whole family character aspect :) tho futurama is definitly different
• Canada
19 Mar 16
Oh yeah Simpsons is pretty good too ! I love it, I kinda categorize these two shows, Simpsons, and futurama all together in a way
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
19 Mar 16
I haven't seen this program. Let me try to check and get back to you.
• Canada
19 Mar 16
Do so :) They are both hilarious shows! You won't regret it
@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
19 Mar 16
Strangely enough, I've never seen either one. There must just be other shows I'm watching when they are on.
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• Canada
19 Mar 16
Yep! and sometimes it's on super late