A fight that seemed Endless

April 5, 2016 8:52am CST
A friend of mine has epilepsy, this kind of disorder can only be controlled and not curable as mentioned and clarified by his neurologist. Knowing that you are a fighting a battle you cant even win, is it even worth it? Because at the end of the day, after exerting all the efforts and energy and all that you have you know deep down inside you can never win this fight. So my question for you guys are these: 1. What is life? 2. Is death better than fighting a battle you cant even win?
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7 responses
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
5 Apr 16
There are people with worst problem than this. One of my friends has autoimmunity problem. She does not know when her immune system will attack the rest of her body. It is really a living time bomb. The way to control is to have steroid, and everyone knows how bad steroid is.
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@Dextoi (1845)
• Philippines
5 Apr 16
Life is something we make as long as we are living... Life is a 'life-long' struggle for a goal your set... If your friend is bothered with it, he should known better that there are people who preferred to live a good life even having epilepsy... Hugo Weaving (who played Agent Smith in the Matrix trilogy), Vincent van Gogh (the artist), Isaac Newton (the ISAAC NEWTON), Neil Young (AC/DC guitarist), and many other famous personalities made a lifelong battle with epilepsy but never heard of them complaining about it...
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@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
5 Apr 16
I don't know about fighting a battle one can't win because one can win with the power of prayer.There's a lot of things that occur in life and there's people going through more but your friend needs some hope and I hope there's no discouragement there. Our thought process helps produce better outcomes.
5 Apr 16
where is hope when hope has long been buried?
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
5 Apr 16
It depends on how bad the disease is. There are people who can live with the disease without despairing.
6 Apr 16
I agree on you on that. But some live just for the sake of living.
@hydraa (807)
• Mumbai, India
5 Apr 16
Everyone has their own definition of life. For me giving up is never an option. And there are Miracle that happen to those who don't give up and believe in themselves.
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• United States
5 Apr 16
I responded to a similar question earlier, did you post this question already?
5 Apr 16
apparently yes, my apologies for any discomfort. But a detailed information is here and questions are more specific especially on number 2. Thank you kind sir.
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• United States
5 Apr 16
@talktoryan no need to apologize. ??
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@PapaBits (622)
• Philippines
5 Apr 16
Im sorry to hear about your friend. 1. Life has an unlimited meaning. It differs on each individual. For me, life is about creating yourself; how you make decisions; the path that you will take; and all things that will define who you are. 2. It is always better to try if the price is making your love ones happy. Giving up on your life wont make everything better. Always choose your family and always try fighting for your life because life is a gift.