Is there such a thing as bad luck?

@maxen07 (882)
April 8, 2016 9:15pm CST
There's a tiny bit of worry inside of me but the situation is dire for me once more. The venture I'm in decided to close and now our accounts are being transferred to the same venture here in my country where instead of earning 100% monthly, we are only going to earn 30%, worse, it will take six months for them to give back to us the capital and the interest we've earned for this month. This leaves me, not in a panic, but still in a state where I feel like I died and went to purgatory. After suffering severe loses last year, I was only able to join this one venture because my sponsor here lent me capital so she understands that I won't be able to pay her back. I need about $2500 to be able to get back on my feet and right now, I have no idea how I can raise that much money especially when June is the start of my son's school, the same month that the people I owe money to gave me as a deadline to pay them back. I tried raising money using crowdfunding but it failed, since I don't know anyone from the states. I was planning to go get a certification as nursing aide but I guess that won't happen now as I don't even have money to find a job. Sad but as desperation would put it in my case, I'll probably sell myself for $2500 and be someone's assistant for free for the rest of the year if someone would be crazy enough to trust a stranger.
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5 responses
@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
9 Apr 16
Nope. Bad luck happens if you are letting it to win over you. Stay positive and focus with whatever you need to do. Desperation with money will take you no where. Instead think of the best way how you can get what you need. It will fall into the right place for you soon. Pray for it!
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@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
9 Apr 16
I think there is because I always seem to have it.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Apr 16
I hope you find some answers to yo ur money problems soon
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
9 Apr 16
Time is bad for you. Believe in God and Let's hope for the best.
@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
9 Apr 16
I would not say i dont believe in bad or good luck but there is something maybe its just our psychology... but when its bad it has to turn good so pray...