Kanhaiya Kumar VS Rest Of India

April 26, 2016 1:26pm CST
Today's hot discussed topic is that Kanhaiya Kumar , Anirban and his co friends got Punishment by the administration of JNU University New Delhi for celebrating the after death religious activities of Afzal Guru. I think its quite simple now, either you think individual has right to follow his or her religion and freedom to express or biggest religion in INDIA is INDIA itself. I really eager to know how my friends thinking in this matter....
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1 response
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
28 Apr 16
@rahu24206,My religion is my country,India.When India is attacked,I am attacked.It's very painful and unfortunate to see Kanhaiya and his friends celebrating the 'barsi' of a terrorist who was hanged and all opposition parties including the Congress calling it freedom of expression.Disgusting!!
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28 Apr 16
you are right @jaishankar but I am amazed to see how these guys have so much courage to go against the whole India. What leads them to insult us again and again. either they are mentally sick or politically strong.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
29 Apr 16
@rahu24206 Actually our country has too much democracy.You can say anything and go scot free.We have been too soft a nation.Too much of anything is bad and democracy is not an exception.Too much of democracy and too much softness emboldens anti India elements say anything they want.Kanhaiya is a communist,and communists have never been pro India.
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