A trip down memory lane

@savak03 (6684)
United States
April 28, 2016 4:42pm CST
For the past week I have been working on cleaning out my email account of unwanted or unneeded emails. I have a whole sidebar of folders where I keep newsletters filed by source or subject matter and have even sent some documents to myself because I can access my email account from any computer. I learned a long time ago not to tie my email account to my internet provider because if I can't pay the bill or I move out of their area of coverage then I couldn't access my emails either. So, I got an off site account and keep everything in there so if I need it I have it. Anyway, back in 2009 I got the bright idea to save all the emails where I was notified that a friend had started a post on mylot. That was when mylot informed all your friends whenever you posted something. So I had folders for each year all containing thousands of emails each. I decided that I needed to weed out some of my folders because the list was getting too long. But the program wouldn't let me delete a folder if it had an email in it. So I had to delete all the emails first. I decided there was no reason, really, to keep all those old emails from mylot of long ago so I proceeded to delete them. As I scrolled down through them to checkmark for deletion as many as I could at a time to hurry the process a few names started jumping out me of friends I had made here. A few of them have come back but most of them I have not seen. Following is a partial list of some of their names. Have you seen or heard from or about any of them? Do you remember them? Irishfriendly65 Thebohemianheart merlinsorca BarBaraPrz Webeishere mentalward ElixBxn coffeebreak thegreatwhitebuffalo oreocookies3 dancingredfeather1 lilaclady zandi458 neildc hatley gardengerty armychick Of course owlwings, rosekitty, mysd, and JJ in his current incarnation are with us but I miss all these others too. Just in case they are lurking in the wings watching or maybe some of you know how to contact them here's a big shout out from me. Come back and join in the fun.
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4 responses
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
7 May 16
O, I always get rid of my unwanted emails once a week.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
7 May 16
@antonbunot I don't have a tweet account. Why would he be tweeting you? Do you know him personally or does he tweet everyone? From the sound of it I may be glad I don't have an account with them.
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
7 May 16
@savak03 I don't receive so many emails . . . most are just confirmations of tweets from Donald Trump!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Apr 16
I have seen some of them here as Hatley mentioned but I haven't heard anything about the others. =(
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
28 Apr 16
I wonder if maybe they found other things to do that keep them too busy to come back here or maybe they haven't heard that mylot is open for business again and better than ever?
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Apr 16
hatley is still here im bacik again wonder if irishfriedly is here and neilldc? webeisere I think stoped oreo coo kie is here Elxbxn is here G arden gety but the other Ih ave not seen.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
28 Apr 16
Wow, there are more here than I thought. I guess I'm having trouble adjusting to the new way of doing things. I haven't figured out just how to find the discussions of those people I really want to interact with. Now that we can't suggest our discussions I'm worried that no one will really know I'm here. And I tried to search for some of my old friends the other day but couldn't find a way to do it. Now I'm going through the list of people I'm following and trying to see if they have been active since the mylot revamp. I started at the bottom of the list and so far there are a lot that haven't contributed in years.
@Teep11 (7673)
• United States
28 Apr 16
Those emails can grow and then it will take some time deleting them but it has to be done. We have to set aside some time for that. Well, enjoy getting rid of those emails, I'm sure you will be glad when you're completed with the deletions.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
28 Apr 16
They sure can grow and our tastes change over time as well. For myself I know that a subject I may have been interested a year or so ago holds absolutely no interest for me now. Or a certain offer is not what it claimed to be and yet I have shown interest so they bombard you with emails. I used to think that asking to be taken off the list would only make them harass you more but I have decided to try it and for most of the reputable newsletters it actually works. So that has cut down some on the emails that are coming in. I've pretty much completed the work on the folders I knew I wanted to get rid of. I still have some that will require a closer look. There are probably some emails in them that are duplicates or has useless info that I need to get rid of but some will need to stay. This part will be more time consuming than getting rid of the ones that were all useless.