Finally get the first order in Fiverr

@scheng1 (24650)
May 15, 2016 9:42am CST
After giving up on Fiverr, I get my first order. I complete the order, and send it to the buyer. Unfortunately the buyer requests a revision. I have to revise the work, and forward to him again. I hope that this time, he is satisfied with the work. Actually he should not request for revision, since he just wants clarification on certain point. Since he clicks on the button to request a revision, I need to update the word document before I send over. I hope that not every buyer is so demanding. I do not earn $5 from this order, though the buyer pays $5. Fiverr will take a cut. I am extremely unwilling to do revision for such low pay.
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11 responses
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
22 May 16
mylot pays low too will need to type all day just to earn one dollar. I also have an account on Fiverr. A friend of mine helped me out because he hires people on Fiverr to do some work for him. He was my first customer on my Gig and he gave me a good feedback. Fortunately, people sent me private messages after, who asked for my assistance.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
22 May 16
The problem with my client is that he does not provide feedback. he is a new buyer who signs up just to pay for my gig. I hope that he will return to give a positive feedback.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
22 May 16
@scheng1 do you do data entry? try adding another gig, web and market research. I think that's more in demand because lots of people like to put up new businesses. I was able to earn about $87 in a month. not so bad, eh? :)
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
23 May 16
@yuna15 That is good. You seem to do very well there. I think after this experience, I do not want to put up more gigs!
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@rina110383 (24495)
15 May 16
I have a fiverr account but I never used it. I prefer Upwork. We share the same sentiments. I wouldn't want revision of work for such a low pay.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
15 May 16
I have not heard of Upwork. I shall have to look into it. Hopefully the demand is lower, and I can make better use of my time.
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@rina110383 (24495)
15 May 16
@scheng1 Upwork is formerly Odesk & Elance. It's bigger and more established that Fiverr.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
@rina110383 I think I have an account with either Odesk or Elance years ago, but I do not do anything about it. It is definitely better than Fiverr!
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@hoong143 (1397)
• Malaysia
19 May 16
I think you are a good seller.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
19 May 16
Hope to get more. The buyer did not write a review. If he did, I will get more orders.
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@maezee (41996)
• United States
19 May 16
How much of the $5 do you earn ?I am on a writing site that pays like $2 for 400 words. When the clients are super picky and dont like my writing I usually choose not to rewrite and revise it. Not worth the trouble sometimes.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
19 May 16
I get $4. Fiverr takes a dollar as their commission. I do not put up writing gig. Writing gig sure has a high rate of revision. I put up analysis type of gig. Since analysis is basically personal opinion, there should not even be request for revision.
@Yh1001 (565)
• Singapore
16 May 16
Well , I feel that every dollar counts, even though it might not be worth it
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
Not that much for $4! After Fiverr gets a cut, I get just $4. I think with just one order, I might not make the minimum to cash out. I have not checked out the minimum cash out.
@Yh1001 (565)
• Singapore
16 May 16
@scheng1 oh , I see. I hope you get more orders!
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@skysnap (20153)
15 May 16
You're doing writing work? those gigs have lot of revisions and also it's hard to compete too.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
No, not writing work. Writing is tough, because they want 500 words, and they want multiple revision. I put up analysis type of gigs, which I can do in less than an hour. I never expect buyers to want revisions.
@skysnap (20153)
16 May 16
@scheng1 That looks nice. all the best with buyers.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
16 May 16
Congratulations! It is still a good news, isn't it? May I ask what's your order about in Fiverr? Long time ago I also tried Fiverr but gave it up at last because nobody seemed to be interested in it.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
It is for analysis work. I do not want to provide writing gig, because that will definitely require a lot of revisions. I think your son will fare better in Fiverr gig! He sure dare to do something unusual, such as painting his face and doing a jungle dance.
@nonersays (3329)
• United States
15 May 16
I can't think of anything I could offer than someone would want to pay for on fiverr. I don't think them asking for one revision would bother me though. If it happened over and over it would bother me.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
You can take a look at all the silly gigs posted in Fiverr. Some include making silly dance, and sing silly tunes to celebrate the birthday of buyers or something similar. Perhaps you can paint your face and body and do an Indian dance!
@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
16 May 16
have you tried zemandi? i think others write there.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
I have heard of it, but I do not use it. Anyway in Fiverr, I did not post writing gig. I post analysis type of gig. The buyers should not have asked for revision, since analysis is really my own opinion based on data.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
15 May 16
Must tell you that I wouldn't bother with such a low pay.
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
16 May 16
I am new there, and I do not mind starting out with a low pay. To be fair, the work does not take up an hour of my time, but with the revision, the total time spent come close to an hour.
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
17 May 16
I have no idea what you are talking about but you are making money, hurray!
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