Summer Lovin'

@shimaya (141)
May 20, 2016 2:17am CST
Summer's gonna end soon in my country. Wet season's coming so it' s a bit rainy nowadays. I can say that I enjoyed this summer because I was able to to had some outings with my friends. I went to different pools thrice together with different circle of friends. I also went to the beach twice when I went to my hometown to visit my family and relatives. This summer I also took part in my cousin's wedding. I did a lot of things and I had fun but I guess my pocket's already complaining. (lol) Before this summer ends, I will be hiking with my friends and we will visit 4 waterfalls. I really love nature. I love escaping from the city. I love the fresh air, the green environment and peace of mind that it brings me. I still wanna do a lot things but summer's gonna be ending soon. So I guess, I will be enjoying Mr. Wet season's company for a while. How about you? What do you do in summer?
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5 responses
@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
20 May 16
Went back Manila last April and OMG!... 5 electric fans were on. It is way too hot and humid.
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@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
I feel you wiLLmaH. That's why I went to the beach to beat the heat. What did you do in Manila?
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@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
@wiLLmaH oh, so did you have fun tho' it was way too hot in the Phils? Where in the Phillipines are you from?
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@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
20 May 16
@shimaya Attend Father's Bday Party. :) Singapore is hot too but ours is humid.
• India
20 May 16
Its sooo hot here..!! id rather sit at home dream of rain then go out and get roasted
@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
Why don't you try to beat the heat by doing fun things. :)
@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
@BlissfullySilent haha. I taking sleeping a lot while the AC is on is a very good idea. :)
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• India
20 May 16
@shimaya ummm like switching on AC and taking a long nap haha i wont exactly hide in my house and come out when summer have loads of things lined up...its just the heat that drives you crazy
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
20 May 16
pretty much none. it was overly hot in here. i didnt even enjoy being indoor, what more if i spent it somewhere else. good for you though. seems like you really are having fun..
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
20 May 16
i'll try to find something and mark this summer memorable.
@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
yeah! I really like having fun like nature activities. It's really hot but I want to do something good before the summer ends. Hope you'll enjoy it to before the end of summer.
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@skysnap (20153)
20 May 16
I think the rain is playing hide and seek. so till rain comes in we have summer extended here.
@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
Yes, I guess so. Hope it will start be a bit colder soon.
@sunrisefan (28524)
• Philippines
20 May 16
The rain is still elusive in our part of the country :) The weather bureau's forecast of rain has always been off target the past few days.
@shimaya (141)
• Philippines
20 May 16
Mr. Rain is still a bit shy I guess.
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@sunrisefan (28524)
• Philippines
20 May 16
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