Sunday Is My Favorite Day

The Red Theater Door
United States
May 22, 2016 11:19am CST
I love Sundays. There is a flea market just one block from where I live and I religiously attend every single week. In fact, I can hardly wait to get through the week just to be able to go. My entire house is furnished with items I have bought from there and if I had to describe it would say it's very eclectic. But our homes are usually a reflection of our personalities wouldn't you agree? How many of you enjoy flea markets and assuming you have gone to one or two what is your favorite or most prized possession you purchased there? In the picture provided is a door which I dearly love which came from a local theatre. One of my favorite items to date.
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1 response
@MEAngle (237)
22 May 16
That is a beautiful door! When I was younger, my grandparents would take me to a flea market, where'd we shop all day. We had one year gotten this beautiful dress that to this day is my favorite.
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• United States
23 May 16
I collect bird houses. Today I my main purchase was another one. I have them in all shapes and sizes. I collect both bird cages and perfume bottles.
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