@tushky7 (164)
Mumbai, India
May 26, 2016 11:14am CST
Nowadays people choose Live-In relationships and they think its an excellent idea to love each other, understand each other and have family too. But I preferred Married life and that's what I believe in. So what you think what would you choose?
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4 responses
• Nigeria
26 May 16
I choose married, because I believe in it also...
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
26 May 16
same here, r u married?
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 16
@precious4011 best of luck for ur future
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• Nigeria
26 May 16
@tushky7 no, I've not married
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@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
26 May 16
I have been married 13 years in July and I just feel like it is a live in marriage. We are always in separate rooms and barely spend time with each other. Its complicated
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 16
Please have a word Nikki @carebear29 , and sort it out as early as possible
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@snowy22315 (174692)
• United States
26 May 16
I like the security of marriage.
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
26 May 16
@snowy22315 thats cool, I chose that only
• India
26 Jun 16
depends on person to person i love both