Of toothbrushes.

May 26, 2016 12:48pm CST
Can you recall the color of your toothbrush? Is it just me or do a lot of people have trouble recalling the appearance of their toothbrush?! I mean, I thought about it. But in the name of heaven, I couldn't recollect how it looks. Not even its colour! Can you?
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2 responses
@meowch (2220)
• United States
26 May 16
I think the color of my toothbrush is green and yellow. Since green is my favorite color, I hardly ever get anything different unless it's necessary.
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27 May 16
So you've always bought green toothbrushes??
@meowch (2220)
• United States
27 May 16
@Curlybobby often enough.
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@Pankhini (485)
26 May 16
I must remember the colour and the appearnce of the toothbrush as we are 8 people in my house and we are using almost same brand... so all of us have to remember our own toothbrush... we cant afford to forget it...
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27 May 16
There are five people in my house . So I have to remember too. But it seems like I mechanically go to the bathroom and pick up my brush without noticing it. At that point, obviously I know my toothbrush! But generally, I don't seem to know too well how it looks. Like I said it's pretty mechanical. I don't think I even look at it after I've picked it up. So it's appearance has never registered in my head.