What do you think of dying?

May 27, 2016 12:05am CST
I don't know anyone who hasn't think about dying. We all gonna die. What is your idea about dying? How would you like your remains to be done? My preference of dying is quick. And I would like to get cremated when my time comes.
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4 responses
@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 16
@unisa000 getting cremated is good idea by the way but I would prefer my body to be preserve, what u think?
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27 May 16
I think it is expensive. But if you can afford the process of preservation why not.
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 16
@unisa000 yeah mann
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@Lucky15 (37377)
• Philippines
27 May 16
Would.die quick. Dom't want my loved ones.see.my suffering and see.them suffering too
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@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
27 May 16
I want to get it over before the taxman knows I've gone.
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@tushky7 (164)
• Mumbai, India
27 May 16
I wanna die in space
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