Hi Friends and Newbies Im back....

@lynboobsy11 (11343)
May 29, 2016 6:59am CST
I miss this site and my old friends that still here. Any news what Im missed? Opps. I forgot to mention and suprisingly upon checking we can now change our user name. For those who can remember me Im formerly Lynboobsy, I just change it now as what I am in my facebook. Is there new rules here? I want to come back and hopefully be here always. I dont want to promise but as much as I can I will visit here often.
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6 responses
• Philippines
29 May 16
I've seen some of your post in FB but I don't think you know me, I'm a friend of Jaiho who's no longer active here. Please let the others know, mylot is back, it's kinda lonely with you guys.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
Yes I know you and I still remember you, even though I'm not here I can remember all the friends specially were also friends in FB, I know Jaiho and Honey is busy right now with their happy lives and I hope someday they will come back too. Cheers
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
@Letranknight2015 Yes specially honey I hope they come back we have lots of stories to catch up. One time I will try to convince them.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
31 May 16
@Letranknight2015 Yes sometimes we have to understand like me when times that Im not here I really love to come back but there are many things need to prioritize first.
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@yugocean (9965)
• India
12 Jun 16
Let me ask if you remember me, or may be I am not remembering you
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
12 Jun 16
I don't remember did you changed your profile picture? I have lots of friends in the old Mylot and maybe your also one of my friends. Sorry for the memory gap
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
@yugocean Ohh I see maybe that's why I cannot recall.. My eldest daughter already graduated. in college and has her own family now. and Im. already a grandma.. So far my youngest is already on her 3rd yr college. Thank you for asking
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
29 May 16
Welcome back! A place like home for this site.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
Thank you for welcoming me happy to see all here again. Your right there is no place like home even we left we know where to come back to old friends too.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
29 May 16
Welcome back.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
hi Marlina thank you and nice to see you here..
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
hi Marlina thank you and nice to see you here..
• Eugene, Oregon
2 Jun 16
Welcome back! There are many of us newer people who migrated when the Bubble ship sunk.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
2 Jun 16
Thank you James.. Yhea I was a member of that before but been busy with my life thats why I dont have news that it was been gone now. Were still lucky that Mylot is still here eventhough we left we can still go back. Im glad admin did not deleted my membership since Im not active in the past few years.
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
29 May 16
Time to get back on the horse and start posting!
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 May 16
Yes I will thanks Jon now that I saw lots of new member here.
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