I am so uncomfortable!

@cpefley (1926)
San Jose, California
May 29, 2016 11:14pm CST
So, I'm about 6 months pregnant, and my little lady is starting to get a little rambunctious. Not only am I having some mild contractions, but she keeps kicking me in the cervix/bladder and it really hurts! She is so much more active at night and I have to get up several times during the night to pee...3 more months lol...
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12 responses
30 May 16
I miss the feeling of being pregnant. I loved it when my baby moved around inside my tummy.Mine was a complicated pregnancy. Way to go colene :) Hang in there.
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
30 May 16
I had four pregnancies. The second was twins. Fetal movements are normal especially at that stage. That's the last trimester. Be glad that your baby is moving or kicking. That means he/she is active and maybe born healthy.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
30 May 16
This is my 6th pregnancy...I'm retiring after this lol.
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• Philippines
30 May 16
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• Surrey, British Columbia
30 May 16
yeah,that's really annoying for yourself thus, you're gonna be fine.That's a normal body reaction as part of pregnancy.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
30 May 16
True...I just can't wait until she's outside my uterus lol.
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• Surrey, British Columbia
30 May 16
@cpefley ,well,it will happen when the right time comes.Take it easy. take care of yourself and your baby angel in your womb.
@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
30 May 16
Sorry to hear that.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 May 16
Than you will have a cute bundle of joy.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
30 May 16
I can't wait for that part! :)
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
30 May 16
i guess you need to have follow up check up with your doctor, its not normal. i never had an experience until i reach the 9 months. hope your doing ok and with your baby
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
30 May 16
I think it is probably normal. The third trimester is the most uncomfortable.
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@stephjoy (759)
• Philippines
30 May 16
@cpefley oh i see..thAts good to hear..just be careful
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
4 Jun 16
That's one of the amazing feelings of a pregnant mom. When my 2nd was still in my tummy he was also really active and would kick my ribs! Lol. He wouldn't let me sleep all night.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
30 May 16
Oh soon she'll be out and winning your heart over. I wish I was pregnant with a baby girl.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
30 May 16
She must be a rambunctious tyke. lol
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
30 May 16
They do seem to like getting to the bladder lol. Good luck on the next 3 months.
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• Xian, China
30 May 16
It always a tough thing for a pregnant woman, so good luck to you.
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@Pankhini (485)
30 May 16
Well this can be the idication that thus active baby will keep youon your toes...
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