I dislike nightshifts

@nixxi76 (3191)
June 6, 2016 1:28pm CST
Today I am feeling like I'm a walking zombie. I worked the last two nights which is my normal shifts. For seven years I have worked straight nights, and I have come to the decision that I am fed up with them. I work in a nursing home and it's very hard physical work. By the time my shift is finished, I am sore, irritated, and have to face a half hour drive home which feels like hours when I am sleep deprived. I took on a part time temporary position because I was feeling very burnt out and yes it's less nightshifts and I pick up more dayshifts but it's only temporary. What I would like to do is get a fulltime day position but unfortunitly it's a waiting game when it comes to that because nobody is retiring anytime soon. I should be back to normal in roughly three days and get my sleeping pattern back.
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3 responses
@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
6 Jun 16
then try and keep the temporary job as long aas possible and with time,they might employ you permanently.I know people work here up to 5 years temporarily.So long as they pay good. Unlike you, l prefer nght work because im not and have never been a morning person.
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@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
8 Jun 16
I was working fulltime nights for the last six years and it wore me out so this position I took is temporary. In July I have to take my full time position back and I don't want to haha.
@miniam (9154)
• Bern, Switzerland
8 Jun 16
@nixxi76 Hope you can find something that works better for you in the future.
@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
7 Jun 16
Aw that is unfortunate and you deserve good compensation for your work. It is hard work and especially working nights, sounds horrible.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
7 Jun 16
i know how you feel.. i used to be a night shifter too for years and it wasnt easy but somehow i got used to it. there were days that i wanted to give up but i decided to stay for some reasons. anyway, goodluck on regaining your strength. take care..
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