100 hamburgers challenge!?

June 13, 2016 7:07am CST
Kinoshita Yuka eats 100 hamburger! I see mostly Japanese people win in eating competition and their body is thin. I don't know how they can do that but i'm very sure they will be in the toilet for 24 hours. For me maximum burger i can eat in 24 hour maybe 10 only but when i teenager long time ago i think i can eat 20 burger.. This is the link about Kinoshita Yuka eat 100 hamburger!
??Thank you Mr. Aphexx(@aphexx9 )-English subtitles ??Thank you-Portuguese subtitles! ??Thank you -Polish subtitles! ??Thank you-Spanish subtitles! ?????????...
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5 responses
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
ive seen her on Facebook and i thought i was gonna puke watching her eat all of the burgers. i honestly think that its impossible for a human being to eat all those.
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 16
This make me remember about doraemon anime series. Nobita can eat a lot of food without limit because Doraemon give him black hole for him to eat but because Nobita eat a lot of black hole that black hole become much powerful and when he sleep with a mouth open he eat everything in the house. Maybe Doraemon give black hole to Kinoshita Yuka?
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
hahaha thats funny.. she really is weird to consume all that food.
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 16
@MGjhaud I'm wrong i'm not watch full video she only can eat 62 burger because her stomach full but she say she will try again to eat 100 burger. 62 still a lot for me only bear dont have any problem to eat 62 burger.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
It is in the genes. Some people can stay thin due to their fast metabolism of the body.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
14 Jun 16
@AkamaruKei Are you kidding me? Even if you engulf more than a hundred burgers, it can still be metabolize in the body. Have you heard about the word metabolism? It means that some people especially the young ones have the ability to breakdown the food easily. It is also in the genes. Why? Because some people are not gaining weight because it runs in the blood. For instance, if your parents are slim all throughout their years. There is a chance that you can acquire the genes of being thin physically. It can also be recessive trait. Well, I guess you got the point. It can be explained in science. You might like to read about DNA and its context.
• Malaysia
14 Jun 16
@Shavkat I know about metabolism. I not suprise if someone eat a lot but their body still thin.I also eat a lot and my body thin, thin than Kinoshita Yuka but eat 100 is crazy and not normal. You and me also can't do that. There a lot of strange thing in the world science can't explain. Special things like this give by god for a few people only. Or maybe you can try to eat 100 hamburger in 1 hour on 2 hour? If you can do that you break Kinoshita Yuka record.
• Malaysia
13 Jun 16
Genes? Eat 100 hamburger is also because of genes? Anyone at here can eat 100 hamburger just in 1 day?
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
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• Philippines
13 Jun 16
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 16
Yep i always think where she put a food in her small stomach. Maybe scientist can doing experiment to her.. I just hope eat a lot of food dont make her lazy after that.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
13 Jun 16
I'm hungry now. Give me hamburger! Haha.. I can only eat 5-10 burger per day!
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• Malaysia
13 Jun 16
Go and find it by yourself.
@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
13 Jun 16
Oh wow, if I ate all those I wouldn't want another burger again the rest of my life. I am glad if I can eat 2 at a time let alone that many.
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• Malaysia
14 Jun 16
That amount of hamburger is stock for 1 month for most people i think.