Another Canadian hostage was beheaded last Monday!

@Danzylop (1120)
June 15, 2016 4:49am CST
I can't believe how a human being merciless to behead somebody. Robert Hall is a Canadian citizen who was abducted in Samal Island, Davao del Norte last year. This is an embarassment for Filipinos knows for being hospitable to visitors specially, foreign tourists. We stand against this kind of attack against humanity. This is an insane act. I can't imagine how hard it is for someone to cut someone's head. Such a person does not feel his own heart. My advice for the tourists, please be vigilant. Always always have in your phone emergency numbers of the local police.
2 responses
@Yar_Joey (3271)
• Philippines
16 Jun 16
These groups of kidnappers should be dealt with according to what they did to the hostages. If I am only a brutal chief of police, I will let them suffer what they did to these victims but I am just a citizen
@Yar_Joey (3271)
• Philippines
16 Jun 16
@Danzylop The netizens who watch the videos are indirectly participating in the act because they are like there first hand
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
15 Jun 16
What's the reason behind? I haven't heard the news yet. This is really unacceptable act.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
15 Jun 16
the government implements a no ransom policy. The terrorist was demanding for Php300M in exchange of the freedom of the hostages until last Monday. Unfortunately, they were not rescued by the authorities. His head was thrown at a Christian church in Sulu which was confirmed to be Robert Hall's.