
United States
June 18, 2016 4:10am CST
This is a touchy subject for many, seeing as not everyone believes in things of this sort. However, chances are there are some people out there who actually study this for a living, and could possibly apply some insight on the matter...I'll share two separate incidents...Once again, if you do not believe in the spiritual realm, or are very sensitive to this subject matter, at this point, I recommend you stop reading...otherwise, any comments stating their offense will be deleted and ignored...sensitive folk, you have been warned. My Doppelgänger? A couple months back, me and my dad were home alone, my mom had gone to dinner with a friend, and my older sister was out of town. My dad, in the living room playing monopoly on his phone, and me across the house in my sisters room texting someone on my phone. I get a text from my dad asking me what I want to do for dinner. We are deliberating when he calls out randomly "Nadia! What the hell are you doing standing in your doorway like a freak!?" Now, the way my house is structured is: Front door, hallway to the left, my room, my sisters room in the back and then the bathroom, with my parents room across the hall from both my sister and my room. So, when sitting in the living room on the couch, you can see my doorway. I look up from my phone and call back to my dad across the house telling him that I'm not in my room, and that I'm in my sister's room. My dad responds, calling me a liar, saying that he can clearly see me standing in my doorway. I tell him that it isn't me, and that I was sitting on my sisters bed. My dad nervously just joked it off. I never saw her... My Sister's Doppelgänger? It was just me and my sister, my parents were both off to work, and we were tasked with cleaning up the house since we had a free day. I was working on the front of the house, and my sister working on the back of the house, and her room. I was just finishing up the kitchen, and was relining the garbage can. I was kind of hunched over, until I saw my sister walk across the living room, not making eye contact with me, and out to the backyard. I heard the shades on the sliding door makes a distinct it's not one I could ever mistake. After a few minutes of my sister not coming back inside, I take a deep breath...hoping that I'm wrong, and recall the incident with my dad and me. I call to my sister "Hey, Bella?" I lean over to look out to the backyard, and hear my sister from the back of the house respond and say "Yeah?" I asked if she had gone out to the backyard. She denied and told me she was cleaning her make-up brushes and hadn't moved from her spot for almost an hour. I didn't look at my sister's double...I more or less just saw her walk by from the corner of my eye. You know, like when you're in your home and your mom or dad or whoever you're living with walks know it's them, so it doesn't really alert you. Same principal here. All I know is that she walked right by me and out to the backyard... I'm not too sure who may know what this means. It's been quite some time since either incident, and neither of us have gotten sick. Apart from maybe strep throat...but I can't remember if that was before or after. I haven't seen anything since, and neither has anyone in the family. Does anyone else have any other experience with this?
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1 response
• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Jun 16
A couple things this could be.. bi location the ability to be in more than one place at once.. like lets say you were wanting to go to town with them but could not since you were sick and you mentally astral project the image of your energy standing there looking out the window without knowing it.. or your sister bored with cleaning the brushes really wanted to be outside in the backyard doing that instead projected that imagine and dreamed it.. this can lead a person to astral project being in more than one place at once.. it also can be just thought forms or you and her dreaming, and because you her and your dad as so close you are able to see these mental images... in a 3D telepathic projection... I can also be a ancestral spirit that looks like you and sister and dad at times too.. or just something else that like to take form imitating you to hide who it is to not scare you to bad.. Since you all did not seem to mortified but more wondering I think you are okay. :D .. But it is possible it is dopple too .. Mystery :D
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• United States
18 Jun 16
Thanks for your thoughts! Astral Projection has always been somewhat terrifying for me. I've done it twice, and my sister once or twice before. I think because it's such an unfamiliar thing, it's scary. As for the "something else" it could very well be...haven't the vaguest idea as to what! lol.
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
18 Jun 16
@ArtistlSpeaks It definitely at times is terrifying at other times is awesome.. I have done it naturally all my life, I never understood what it was until around middle school age I just thought everyone had these dreams and day dreams it came naturally to me... But around middle school i started to have really scary astral journeys and anxiety from it.. as many going through a dramatic spiritual awakening do.. that is what lead me to learn more about the Art of Dreaming, meditation, grounding and many other skills, to manage and keep it under good control :D .. If people want to try to always recommend they try with a friend there or someone experienced... to properly guide them. there are meditation tapes that people can use to guide them as well into it.. or people can learn lucid dreaming... and learn to project just from flying really high in the dream. .. :D .. So many possibilities hard to know.. I had so many experiences i do not even know how to explain and label many of them yet to share them :D .. learning new things all the time.
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