
July 9, 2016 5:58am CST
hi there guys.this is my first time of joining hoping to have an extra income! well i am not good in english but really trying to be good :) "_"
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7 responses
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
10 Jul 16
Hi! Mylot is a good site to socialize and practice your English. You can improve your English here if you will become active. That means, you start a discussion or you keep on commenting on any started topics posted here. With regard to earnings, I am sorry to say but the earnings here are quite low if you are really after the earnings. If you want a bigger earnings, you have to try other online jobs.
10 Jul 16
its ok if the earnings is low atleast i also learned .anyway as what have you said this is a good site for socialize and at the same time to improve my english too. :) thank you
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
11 Jul 16
@titangko,Welcome.You say your English is not good.So what? Even those who don't know English well are allowed to join this excellent site.You are at the right place,my friend.Rest assured,you'll enjoy here.
• Hyderabad, India
9 Jul 16
Welcome to Mylot , earning is small part of life . try to get socialize in the Mylot u can learn real life experiences from all over world , u can find a good way to make money soon by other idea too
@IreneVincent (15962)
• United States
9 Jul 16
Welcome to myLot! What is the language that you do speak? Where do you live?
• Iasi, Romania
9 Jul 16
Welcome between us ! :) i.m not too, a good a speaker of english but ... i Learn , like anyone ! good luck !
@minzee (26)
9 Jul 16
Hi I joined in today we are the same. for any queries message me or ask me here !!
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
9 Jul 16
Just be natural. Do think much on income but rather look at the community as a good place to stay at. When you start to love the place you will then can start to add spices to make it better for you and for other as well. How to do that, well just read a lot, roam around the pages, observe and interact with other users. Find good friends and do not stop on learning.