How do you deal with strangers?

July 10, 2016 7:01am CST
Alright ! Let's get to this. I live in one of the safest city in the Philippines. There are lot of strangers that went all over the place and the reason why you could tell that they are strangers is because they gonna ask you about the places or facilities that they didn't know. Do you respond or not? Well, when I'm engage in this kind of situation, it's a quite normal here in our place because there are a lot of tourist that use to go here. I do really love to share an information to those who in needs especially when they are a foreigner it's because I have to use an English language to communicate them and it's a big advantage for me to learn the second language.
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5 responses
@skysnap (20153)
10 Jul 16
I just keep distance before being friend. :)
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
13 Jul 16
A foreigner asking for direction isn't interested in becoming my friend.
10 Jul 16
Yes that's a normal :) .
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@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
10 Jul 16
My parents said that I should not talk with stangers. Though they also reminded me to be nice to others, regardless of the appearance of a person. Things were contradicting before but now, I can deal now with different kinds of people as I may say, Ive have grown mature and knows how to handle stangers, of course still with reservation..just treat them nice, reply where is the mearest police station if you are unsure what is there question.
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13 Jul 16
Thank you for sharing your opinion :)
@silvermist (19702)
• India
10 Jul 16
I think it is nice of you helping out the strangers.
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10 Jul 16
It's a pleasure for me :)
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@Tierkreisze (1609)
• Philippines
10 Jul 16
Responding to what other people say is good manners.
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10 Jul 16
Yes you're right
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
11 Jul 16
Here in the Philippines, we cannot trust strangers. But whenever I see someone who needs help especially foreigners, I always lend a hand.
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
12 Jul 16
Filipinos are really like that or shall i say, its a human nature to help to others especially the needy.thanks
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