I thought I could fully get back on board

@jazel_juan (15747)
July 11, 2016 8:04pm CST
When I found out mylot was back, I was so happy that I thought I could get back on board and just post like I used to years ago... ;) little did I know, there's too much in life going on that I can't be here online lol but hey I am back now as I took some time off from work as two kids are down with flu (ugh!!) and they're currently asleep and I am thinking of cooking chicken soup.
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4 responses
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
12 Jul 16
First off, I do hope the kids get better soon. Two grown kids with the flu at the same time - must be the weather. Don't worry about being on-line here in myLot. Happens to the best of us. Life makes herself heard and we have no choice but to listen.
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
12 Jul 16
Get well soon to your two kiddies. Welcome back again!
@Macarrosel (7498)
• Philippines
12 Jul 16
Chicken soup is best for children who has flu. Just be sure it's delicious hahaha. Anyway, welcome back. What take you so long to be here?
@rina110383 (24495)
12 Jul 16
I hope your kids will feel better soon.