Would you feel safer if you had a legal gun/firearm in your house?

@gudheart (12659)
July 12, 2016 8:05am CST
I know that many people already do so in countries in which it is legal, however in the UK such things are illegal and I can understand why. I don't think I would feel safer with a gun in the house, as I would think that there would be a possibility of it getting into the wrong hands or someone accidentally firing it. I am all for tasers though LOL What are your thoughts on the matter?
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4 responses
@Lucky15 (37377)
• Philippines
12 Jul 16
Na ah for me. Would rather have those heavy pans. Lol
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@gudheart (12659)
12 Jul 16
LOL oh yea they can come in handy sometimes :D
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@cacay1 (83251)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Jul 16
Better stones hehehe.
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@gudheart (12659)
12 Jul 16
@cacay1 lol or bricks LOL
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@Shiva49 (26383)
• Singapore
12 Jul 16
I won' be comfortable as I am not used to them. How to know when to use them? siva
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
12 Jul 16
I wouldn't want anything like that in the house - niether my husband nor I would have a clue how to use it.
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@gudheart (12659)
14 Jul 16
Yep, I would have no idea either.
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• India
13 Jul 16
if its about me i would feel safer having it
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