I love dogs. How many are like me?

Chennai, India
August 9, 2016 4:41am CST
We had a dog in my school days. We have never trained it. But it is capable of understanding our mood and emotions by seeing our faces. It could understand whether we were angry or sad or sick and behaves based on our reaction. I was really amazed by its reactions at different times I really love dogs
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13 responses
@skysnap (20153)
9 Aug 16
I like dogss, cats and birds as pets.
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
Do you have any of them?
@skysnap (20153)
9 Aug 16
@bsrikumar yes 1 cat. 4 birds.
• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
@skysnap Nice But do cat behave while seeing birds?
@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
9 Aug 16
I also love dogs. Dog is very loyal and faithful. But the violent street dogs are really a threat.
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
10 Aug 16
@bsrikumar yes . Kerala witnessed many street dog menace.
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• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16
@shshiju I to heard about it
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• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16
If I see violent dogs i try to stay away normally.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
9 Aug 16
I'm just like you. I love dogs.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
9 Aug 16
@bsrikumar I have had lots of dogs. The recent one passed away a couple of months ago. It was a siberian husky.
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
Do u have any pet?
• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16
@PurnaSharma (2561)
• Guwahati, India
10 Aug 16
Everyone out here loves dog but are kicked out when they grow older because they become useless.
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• Chennai, India
11 Aug 16
In my knowledge it not kicked out most of the time
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@Vivenda (583)
• Portsmouth, England
10 Aug 16
I've always adored dogs, and have been asking my husband to let me get one for years. At last he's agreed, so we'll be dog owners some time after our holiday!
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• Chennai, India
11 Aug 16
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• Pasig, Philippines
9 Aug 16
I like dogs,too. I have a pet it's a mini pin and your right they feel what you feel..
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
Ya.. They know emotions
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• Pasig, Philippines
9 Aug 16
@bsrikumar yasss.. exactly.!!
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@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
10 Aug 16
Of course they also have hearts and mind that can sense the feelings of others. They give us love which I really appreciate.
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• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16
@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
9 Aug 16
@bsrikumar I adore my dogs, I have two. Sometimes I would rather be with them than with people. They never judge me and love me unconditionally.
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
You have two that's very good. Its is true that it love unconditionally
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
9 Aug 16
I do too, but we haven't got one at the moment due to our lifestyle.
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
Hope you will get a chance in the future
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@rina110383 (24495)
10 Aug 16
I love them. We have 3 pitbulls at my parents' place.
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• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16
Very nice
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
9 Aug 16
The dog I had as a teenager must have sensed how embarrassing it was to pick up his poo during a walk, so he would back himself into the bushes to do his business. I couldn't reach it if I tried! He was such a thoughtful pooch!
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• United States
9 Aug 16
I love dogs. I have never been without one so far in my life. We always had them when we were kids and we have them now. We have a Boston terrier & a miniature chiweenie.
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• Chennai, India
9 Aug 16
You are lucky to have dogs all the time
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• Israel
9 Aug 16
I had dog throughout my life. She lived a very loyal and loving .. i love dogs They're cute I love Labrador breed
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• Chennai, India
10 Aug 16