Single mom and no time for myself

United States
August 12, 2016 11:26pm CST
I am a single mom to a special little boy (on the Autism spectrum), and I am having such a hard time. I want to know how other single moms are finding time for themselves! I feel like I have given up my whole life to be a mom and I have nothing that is just for me. Any suggestions on how to deal with feeling overwhelmed?
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6 responses
@Macarrosel (7498)
• Philippines
13 Aug 16
Oh, so you have a special little boy. It's so hard to take care of a special child. Just strengthen your faith in a God and surely He will guide and protect you always. I hope your child is fine and you too.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
14 Aug 16
there are some online support groups, I know of a few on facebook. they might have better suggestions. I know with Autism, it can vary so much. Is your son in school yet, or daycare, or preschool, or any kind of program? that time could be time for you to take even 15 of 'me' time. If not, there are also programs that help with respite care. I used to work for such a place, sometimes I came in to help just to give the parents a break, they might even be home during that time, napping or reading, just some time that they let me be the adult for a bit.
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• United States
15 Aug 16
He is in a therapy center and also ECSE. I work when he is at school and therapy, because daycare is too expensive. I will definitely look into respite care, I have not been offered this from any of the social workers or anything. Thank you so much for the good ideas!
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• Centralia, Missouri
15 Aug 16
@HuggysMama if nothing else, if you can find another mom who also has a challenged child, maybe you can swap an hour of who has the kids, to give each other a break, OR find a church who has a good kids program. I know you may not be religious, and honestly kids stuff at those ages is pretty basic, dont steal, love god, be nice, not bad lessons for any kid. SOME churches have staff that understand special needs and can handle those kids. some dont'
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
13 Aug 16
Make sure to have an hour or two for just yourself and do whatever you like. Or pursue a hobby long forgotten.
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@Genipher (5405)
• United States
13 Aug 16
I know that feeling. There are times I feel so overwhelmed that I want to run screaming down the street. It sounds like you need someone trustworthy that could come babysit once a week...even if it were just for an hour, so you could get out and unwind. Or you could look to get a Mother's Helper, a teen girl that could watch your son while you go soak in the tub with some candles and a good book.
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@Marrrs (38)
• Beijing, China
13 Aug 16
You may send your kid to a school or a babysitting room if necessary.
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• Dayton, Ohio
14 Aug 16
I was a a single mom for many, many years. I know that one of the hardest things is making time for yourself. Honestly, I know this sounds sad but truly I think a big part of my identity was, and still is, that I am a mother. For me I started a podcast, it was nice for me to just spend a couple of hours a week after my daughter was asleep and just talk about things ( it could be anything really) but my show was about an old TV show. It was a lot of fun and kept me going. But make sure that you are taking care of yourself. You can't be a good mommy if you don't take care of yourself. :) Also, find people who have children to hang out with. I know a lot of people do "kid swap" where you watch theirs one night/afternoon and they watch yours. :)
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